Coffee Golf Tees Off On Google Play
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Coffee Golf Tees Off On Google Play

Sep 03, 2023

Another week, another golf game on Google Play. But this latest entry in the genre, Coffee Golf, looks to offer something a little more mobile friendly than most.

A side project for developer Shallot Games, this is a sporting sim that offers bite-sized chunks of daily golfing rather than an overly heavy sim style experience.

Every day there's a new course you can play, with each one boasting five holes that you can complete in any order.

In golf the aim is, of course, to get the lowest possible score possible. So a lower number of strokes the better, and you’re judged across leaderboards on that very basis against other players.

So as the developer itself says, it has a "score sharing similar to Wordle" – and is perhaps looking to tap into that more casual gaming crowd.

This is proven twofold by the visuals of the game, which are very simple but attractively crisp and clean. The controls are also simple, and overall this looks like a title created for mobile – not a simulation crammed to fit the format. Which is always very welcome in our eyes.

Being free to download you don't have much to lose at trying this out either, especially if you’re after a new golf game to try out. You can find Coffee Golf on Google Play right here.

We talked about another simple yet hugely endearing golf game last week too – Golf Odyssey 2. Read all about that here.

And hey, there are loads of non-golfing games on Google Play if you can believe it. Read about last week's biggest ones right here.