Golf bags? What golf bags?
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Golf bags? What golf bags?

Apr 18, 2023

One day when I was behind the counter at a previous club, one of my members – I’ll call him Bob – asked me, "Do you sell golf bags?"

Of course I had a good laugh at Bob's joke. But one look at his face told me he wasn't joking.

Now, this club had a pro shop in a trailer, then a temporary clubhouse, then the big clubhouse they have now. Every one of those shops carried golf bags.

So many golf bags that you’d trip over them going in and out of the shop.

Bob had been in those golf shops a million times. Even now I could see at least 20+ golf bags.

I turned Bob around and showed him the shop filled with bags, and asked him how he could walk into our golf shops year after year and not know we sold golf bags.

As he looked out over the shop I could tell he was really seeing it for the first time. He had no explanation for why he didn't know we sold golf bags.

I put my arm around him and helped him get a golf bag.

I figured that he was so focused on his golf, that when he came in to sign up for his cart he had blinders on to everything else.

I only wish I could focus on the course that well.

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